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From: "Bob Ingold" <ingold@agames.com>
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Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 11:30:58 -0700
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To: "'LightWave List'" <lightwave@webcom.com>
Subject: Self Shadow NoNo's
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I posted a message resently about reflections killing the lightwave program
when I use them. I explained that when these spheres are in full view of the
camera that my program always crashes on the second frame.
I would like to thank the gentleman who suggested I turn off "Self
Shadows". Once I did that, all my problems went away. Because all objects get
loaded with the Self Shadow default to on, I never give it any thought. I had
to think about what this button really does and realized sperical objects don't
need it turned on.
As a side effect, frames that took 18 minutes a frame with self shadow
on, took 6 minutes with it off (with GVP 040 board). Just one stupid bubble
sucked all that time for no reason?
Anyway I continued rendering my scene and at one point this one bubble
fades out and is replaced by three smaller bubbles. During those frames it
will still crash the program. I suspect raytracing three bubbles on top of
each other is too much for lw 3.5. This is after I made sure self shadow is
turned off on all the bubbles.
Thank you again.
"Bob Ingold" <ingold@agames.com> sent this message.
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